Reply To: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? Reply To: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton?


Hillary is a hands on murderer. Whether its actively bumping off whitewater threats or taxi drivers in NY, or through negligence by ignoring impending terror threats, she has more layers of blood than skin on her hands.

Hillary is a liar. She says whatever works in the moment, whether its defending her husband or pretending snipers attacked her. Today she says Israel is her priority, tomorrow she’s kissing Arab terrorists.

Hillary is as corrupt and as buyable as they come, whether its selling pardons for votes or taking absurb fees for speaking from wall street companies. There is nothing she w9nt do for the right price.

If anyone is a potential mussolini, its her. Imagine if Hitler came to power while whe was president. Do you think she would oppose him or befriend him? Only blindness or expeftation of personal gain could bring you to vote for her.