Reply To: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton?

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Hillary herself said at the Benghazi hearings that she as SOS was responsible for the State Department’s people all over the world. And you just said above that the SOS is responsible for calling the marines to defend embassy personnel. You can split all the hairs you want but the fact is that a few officials at the State Department were dismissed as a result of the Benghazi hearings, basically taking the fall for their superior. And what upset a lot of people was her pretending this was a random act, and not the act of muslim terrorists. Something her boss continues to do up to and including the Brussels attacks.

Islam, according to Hillary and her distinguished boss, is a religion of peace.

If you think we need a president who truly believes that and will act accordingly, please vote clinton in November.

As for me, she lost me when she kissed suha arafat.