Reply To: President-Elect Donald J. Trump

Home Forums Politics President-Elect Donald J. Trump Reply To: President-Elect Donald J. Trump


to dbrim: Your criticism of my name-calling posts is valid. Sometimes I am lazy. Ubiquitin gave some excellent examples of facts that support my conclusory statements about the Donald. Thank you, ubiquitin.

My primary point in my comment was that the Donald has not done or omitted to do anything as president yet, and so we should all calm down and wait to see what he does. He was wise to meet with the current president and was, surprisingly to me, gracious about it. He also said something sensible about Obamacare, i.e., there are parts of it that should not be repealed, like allowing family policies to cover children up to age 26, and not allowing insurance carriers or HMO’s to exclude people because of existing conditions.

I am not optimistic about a Trump presidency, but I will hold my tongue, or pen, or keyboard, until there is something concrete to talk about.