Reply To: Obamacare today in the jewish world

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CT, please take off your Obama rosy glasses. You are the one who is generalizing. Obama care required a one size fits all insurance plan that included all possible conditions. Besides being expensive, that is why Obama’s promise that you could keep your current policy was a lie; it was canceled if it didn’t cover everything. Existing Obama care policies carry enormous ( upwards of $10,000 ) in order to lower the expensive premiums. Most exchanges now have only one carrier,who can now charge high premiums without competition. With regards to Medicaid, most states in the south and west chose not to expand their Medicaid programs. Obamacare largely didn’t affect kollel families as , for the most part, they were already on Medicaid.

It has had other negative effects on people’s incomes and employment. Many employers, to avoid paying for Obamacare have kept part-timers hours under 30 per week and total employees to under 50. My employer , a large hospital, despite significantly raising deductibles , has had to significantly raise our premiums,

Obama created part of the problem by reneging on promises by granting exemptions to large unions that supported him. This allowed them to keep their existing policies and kept out thousands of young healthy people whose premiums had been counted upon to offset the costs of the preexisting patients