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I grew up with videos-no tv. My family long since got rid of it but by that time it was easy to get hold of a dvd and slip it into the innocent (??) computer.

Most people in my circles have absolutely no taava to watch videos because they never or rarely watched so it is not something they think about. I, however, really enjoy it and have a strong taava for it. I don’t have any in my home now so I barely have access but when I do I would love to watch. I’m not interested in anything innapropriate and would be quick to forward those parts and in general only view clean things.

Still, I wish I wouldn’t care for it and am trying to work on myself to “free” myself of it.

Now you might say you only watch the news or documantaries or whatever they’re called but still. Don’t try to convince yourself that tv is a positive thing. I understand that everyone has different nisyonos but once you realize that it is a negative thing that is the first step to freedom.

Don’t fool yourself.