Reply To: Television: A Cry of Anguish and Appeal to Our Jewish Brethren 📺

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Television: A Cry of Anguish and Appeal to Our Jewish Brethren 📺 Reply To: Television: A Cry of Anguish and Appeal to Our Jewish Brethren 📺


Here is an old thread Joseph linked to on a different thread.

So we see from here that Joseph was around stirring up 5-page controversies (that’s FIVE pages! I consider myself lucky if I get a reply…) back in the Early Stone Age of the CR.

In all these years, has anything been accomplished? Would posters say they’ve learned something? Changed an opinion or two? Changed or improved outlook/ hashkafa?

Have we become better people? More accepting, open-minded people? Have our eyes been opened to things we wouldn’t have be aware of?

Or just a lot of venting (and a few recipes)? Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, by the way.