Reply To: Would you date someone on anxiety meds?

Home Forums Shidduchim Would you date someone on anxiety meds? Reply To: Would you date someone on anxiety meds?

Lilmod Ulelamaid

So far, I have always said no to anyone on medication. But on the other hand, I know someone who married someone on medication and had a great marriage.

I don’t know if you are male or female, but I think that guys have to be particularly cautious about marrying girls on medication.They may be fine while on medication, but when they are expecting, they usually have to go off or decrease their medication and then serious problems can arise.

I know of at least one case in which the couple got divorced because of this. I know of another case in which they didn’t get divorced but the wife had a serious major breakdown after giving birth, which Boruch Hashem, she recovered from, but it took a few weeks.