Reply To: Repeating Shemone Esrei without Tefilin

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Repeating Shemone Esrei without Tefilin Reply To: Repeating Shemone Esrei without Tefilin


SiDi: I did not see anything objectionable or problematic in there that I felt a need to comment on it.

But since you asked, I would make one slight He’ara. Part of the reason we put on T’fillin for Davening is that Chazal (well, it was really post-Chazal, but however this Minhag developed) trusted us to be able to be N’kiyim partially because we were Davening. Meaning, they told us to wear T’fillin during Davening because we’re most likely to be proper then in both our actions and thoughts. Also, it’s Assur to be M’siach Da’as from T’fillin while wearing them, therefore we wear it during Davening when we’re constantly thinking of similar things anyway. Therefore, if one’s T’fillin are not available for Shacharis, I hold that L’chatchilah he should wait until Minchah to put them on (though I readily admit that such an obligation is not explicitly found in the Poskim).