Reply To: Davening from phone in shul

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Wearing gray and/or blue is stam being poetz geder, and as generations decline, following your derech of prikus ol of the black-white malbush, your grandchildren may wear orange and pink r”l. That can happen when we start making minor adjustments to “al titosh toras imecha”.

You just keep getting funnier and funnier.

First, people who use any new form of technology are a “porek ol” and “poretz gader” according to you (which, again, makes me think you would believe that the first Jews who read printed seforim had that status as well), and now people who wear colors are also “stam being poretz gader.”

You’re just a regular barrel of laughs. What’s next? People who drive as opposed to taking a horse-drawn cart as our forefathers did?

The Wolf