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lilmod ulelamaid: Interesting… never heard of “Outside Inside” by Gila Manolson. I shall put it on my to-do list thank you.
I listened to an hour and five minute shiur this morning on soulmates on TorahAnytime. The rabbi mentioned a quote that says something along the lines of, “A tzaddik gets a good person and a rasha gets a untznius woman.”
—Why not say a rasha gets a rasha? Because the way to tell if a woman has emuna is through her modesty. He said that yes it’s possible that some people are religious on the outside and not the inside, but to look for emuna in the other person and men should def look for a modestly dressed woman.
Gosh it’s so serious.
It’s cool to hear about your observation that “people who are nicer and sweeter and better at bein adam l’chaveiro often seem to have a harder time with tznius.” I wonder if that’s a general theme.
Btw: Thank you for highlighting my strengths and being so resourceful <3