Reply To: Who was the worst President of your lifetime?

Home Forums Politics Who was the worst President of your lifetime? Reply To: Who was the worst President of your lifetime?


Lilmod Ulelamaid…………..

The first US President I remember was Dwight Eisenhower.

He was also one of the worst and most ineffective Presidents in my lifetime.

He was a war hero who was courted by both parties and sold out to the Republicans. He brought us that vile right wing VP Tricky Dick Nixon…the only US President to ever have to resign the office.

Eisenhower enriched the Military/Industrial complex at the expense of the ordinary citizens. He spent major periods of time playing golf and/or recuperating from heart attacks at his farm while the Dulles brothers led us to ruin.

He got us involved in French Indo-China (Viet Nam) allowed screwball Senator McCarthy to ruin the lives of countless American Jews (among others) with his blacklists and the kangaroo court HUAC hearings.

Nothing good came out of his administration.

The Presidency of Bill Clinton was the best I’ve lived through. I admit my bias having known both Clintons personally since their days at Yale Law School. There was great prosperity in the land. Minorities made major achievements socially and economically. There was general peace, our troops had little active engagement overseas. I liked his judicial appointments and other policies.

It was the last time our government operated for a year with a balanced budget.

Personally, I never lost so much money and had such lousy business experiences as in both Bush administrations. These Republicans were not good for business, as opposed to being good for their WASP elite friends and the Saudi Royal family. They used brother Jeb to steal the 2000 election and always hide the fact the brother Neil cost US taxpayers millions in the bailout of Siverado Savings and Loan. Laura was a drunk who committed vehicular homicide and was then first lady, so how can we complain about what Trump is bringing in as the next first ‘lady?’ I am embarrassed to be from the same hometown as GW Bush..both born in Grace New Haven Hospital during the post WWII baby boom.