Reply To: Who was the worst President of your lifetime?

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The initials were used for practical reasons, as well as in campaigns.

In my generation and those before me it was not unusual to have many monogrammed items…with your 3 initials.

In fact, my shirts are embroidered with my 3 initial monogram, on the right hand cuffs.

Yes, JFK was known as Jack. This is similar to boys named Yaakov being called Yankel. Since his maternal grandfather Fitzgerald was once mayor of Boston, the Fitzgerald middle name had great political value to JFK and RFK.

I often mentor foreign students in their legal writing and reading. I always explain to them that authors/editors choose their words carefully. Ink and paper cost money and extra words are not included. If the word is not necessary for clarity, it should be omitted.

My use of CTLawyer is to identify myself as an attorney in/from Connecticut. As laws vary greatly by jurisdiction it is important to identify where I practice and that the laws/customs/decisions I quote may apply here but not in other places.