Reply To: NOT TZNIUS "BUBBIES" (also some fish, honey, and vinegar)

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Yichusdik; I tend to go with Yjneb’s solution. Don’t look. Hence you will not see what’s not appropriate. In our area (in Brooklyn), there are, from time to time, Kol Koreh’a denouncing the un-Tzniyus way that (According to the Poster authors) some people dress. What’s interesting. I never noticed. (B”H). And will continue (BE”H) to not notice. There is a story told about one of the Chassidic Rebbes, who once said that when he was very young he thought that he would “Fix” the entire world (To enhance their Yiddishkeit.). In Middle age, he thought of “Fixing” the people in his town. In his old age he realized that he must work very hard to keep his own devotion at an appropriate level.