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that reminds me of another spoof of a torah story: There is a story (which I think is from Chazal if I’m not mistaken, please someone correct me if I’m wrong) that there were 2 brothers who owned adjacent fields. One was poor and had a large family, the other was rich and had no family.
One day the rich brother decided that being that his brother has more mouths to feed he needs more. So at harvest time he went in the middle of the night (so as not to embarras his poor brother) and took some of his own produce and brought it to his brothers field. The poor brother had similar feelings. He said I have been benched with a large family but my brother has not been. Let him at least have some extra produce to somewhat make up for what he’s lacking. In the middle of the night he went and brought some of his own produce to his brother’s field.
This went on for years until one time they met each other while carrying the goods. They each realized what the other had been doing and embraced each other with immense joy and love. On that spot where they embraced, the Bais HaMikdosh would later be built.
The spoof:
Same 2 brothers one rich with no family, one poor with large family. Only in this story the poor one decided that since he has so many mouths to feed he deserves more than his brother, so he went nightly to his brother’s field and stole some produce. The rich brother similarly said – my brother doesn’t deserve a large family AND lots of produce; if I don’t have a family at least let me get some extra produce to make up for it. He too went nightly to steal some produce from his brother.
This went on for years until one time they met each other while carrying the goods. They each realized what the other had been doing and they attacked and killed each other. On that very spot, the Israeli Knesset would later be built.