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Mod-80, I guess what I am trying to say is that if we can’t detect them, then of what use is saying they exist?

i understood clearly what you were trying to say

can you detect malachim?

does that mean we should say sdim dont exist because there is no use in saying they exist? of what use is it to say they exist? i dont know, of what use is it to say that melachim exist? i dont know. but they do.

your point is, *so they exist, but that information doesnt help us practically.* so, lots of information doesnt help us practically.

why did the Ramchal devote years of his life to writing Derech Hashem? there is almost nothing there that is of practical use. its a description of the way Hashem runs the world, behind the scenes.

not everything, especially knowledge of how Hashem does things needs to have a clear and practical use.

clearly you dont want to believe in sdim because they dont fit with your deep and vast knowledge of the essential nature of the universe and Hashems conduct of it.

there is no reason to say that sdim are only a mashul. mention of sdim is found all over Shas. the Gemora always has a pashut pshat. this is not a Medresh. only a very big Talmid Chochum with a deep Daas Torah and wide knowledge of Meforshim can say that something in the Gemorrah is only a mashul

you dont have to believe in sdim. i cant see any practical help that would be to you. but please dont denigrate our Mesorah.