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The Best Bubby

Wishing you much Hatzlacha in all that you do I’YH. Speak to your Rov, and have him call the call the girl’s parents, to explain that you would like to go out with the girl.

My son was offered a shidduch with a wonderful girl, from a great, heimishe family. The girl had been engaged previously to a lovely boy, a few years before, for about 2 months. My son has kevius of learning very early in the am as well as every night. One of the boys in his morning seder is the guy who was engaged to this girl. My son went out with this lovely girl, got engaged and B’H are married now. My daughter in law’s very good friend, whom she went to High School with and Sem got engaged to her ex fiance, and is now married B’H. They both live in the same neighborhood, and are cordial one to the other. What was not right for my daughter in law, was great for her friend. H’KBH has His plans and we have to do our hishtadlus in life to find our true beshert. Everything is Hasgacha Pratis. We have to have complete emunah and bitachon. Some things have to take its course.

May H’KBH grant you much siyata dishmaya to find your true beshert in the right place, in the right time soon and to build a bayit neeman b’yisrael be karov. Amen!