Reply To: Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus Reply To: Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus

YW Moderator-42

I have a question about the idea of covering hair:

Why is there a difference between a married and single woman? By every other erva, it either is or isn’t and doesn’t matter what the woman’s marital status is. Furthermore, we find in this week’s parsha, that the kohen uncovers the hair of the sota. If hair is a true erva, then wouldn’t this be a problem? Especially to then say hashem’s name in her presence. Obviously, hair is the type of erva that is not always an erva. Can this possibly be a limud zchus for those who are not makpid on this?