Reply To: Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus Reply To: Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus

Patur Aval Assur

“But just because he doesn’t like his conclusion, doesn’t give him the right to question motive”

I’m not saying that he has the right. I’m just explaining his thought process which was that the halacha is clearly xyz so someone who argues must have an ulterior motive. You can respond that he is dead wrong and that’s fine. I’m just explaining why he is accusing people of ulterior motives.

“Kol haposel b’mumo posel, so I assume that he himself paskens based on ulterior motives, and he projected his own shortcomings on a huge talmid chochom. As far as I’m concerned, that’s not a posek, and popa’s right.”

R’ Moshe wrote about someone’s psak ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ??? ?????

Would you say there kol haposel? I assume not.

“I also agree with popa, no matter how much you want to nitpick, that taking a psak out of context and misapplying it is naarishkeit, not halachah.”

I completely agree that it is possible to use halachic points to create naarishkeit.