Reply To: Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus Reply To: Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus

old man

I think we analyzed this enough. To Daas Yochid, Sam and Benignuman,

thank you for your comments. To Benignuman I say, I still reject the Rabeinu Yerucham as a source, but then I am left with a gnawing feeling. Assuming it’s a typo, but what a typo! Any other single letter typo would easily have been recognized as a mistake and thrown out. How coincidental is it that the typo is a gimel davka? Is it just that if you add a regel by mistake to a vav it becomes a gimel? I have no satisfying answer. Maybe you are right after all. And maybe one day a scholar will find a tshuva in some archive that will shed light on it.