Reply To: Beard

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There’s a name to this game that you’re playing. It’s called “my rav is bigger than your rav.” I don’t play that game.

The fact of the matter is that I am free to ask my local rav what the proper thing to do is — and if he tells me that shaving is muttar, then it’s fine for me, regardless of any list of gedolim that you put up.

My rav is a graduate of BMG with semicha from that institution. He was a talmid of R. Shmuel Zalman Auerbach and studied at Ponovezh in B’nei Brak. He is an extremely well-spoken gentlemen who has Shas and Poskim at his fingertips*. He is known to be m’dakdek in the mitzvos. I am satisfied that he has studied and is knowledgeable enough in halacha to be able to answer halachic questions to my satisfaction.

And he’s clean-shaven.

Bottom line is that I’m free to follow my local rav and I’m on solid ground if I do so. If not, then there’s no point in having local rabbanim at all. Simply appoint the biggest Rav as the Jewish equivelant of the Pope.

Since I’m free to follow my local Rav and he obviously holds that shaving is okay, then I, too, may shave – regardless of how long your list of gedolim is. I don’t play “my rav is bigger than your rav.”

The Wolf

* I never cease to marvel at his ability to tell you what daf any particular Gemara is on or what siman in S”A any particular halacha is in — and he can do it without any advance notice.