Reply To: Beard

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helpful: “Time to rid yourself of that Norelco and start looking like a Yid. :-)”

Personal insults are not “helpful” to a constructive discussion of the topic. Actually I have a long, full beard and my sons do not shave either, but I do not hold it is assur to shave.

I have already quotes Shulchan Aruch, Rema, Shach Taz, Chasam Sofer, and Rab Moshe is matir a number of places in Igros Moshe as well as by oral testimony of numerous talmidim.

On the other hand you have only quoted hearsay evidence to the Poskim you quote. Nothing from the Chazon Ish’s seforim, in fact he was only “disgusted” with shaving, but he equated it l’halacha with powder which is muttar. The Chofetz Chaim is a misquote, as he did not refer to electric shavers which did not exist when he wrote Likutei Halachos. When I learned in Philly many decades ago, Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky shlita insisted that the bachurim shave and said that the quote in Emes l’Yaakov is untrue.

So I think it is clear that the vast majority of Poskim have always and still do permit shaving, as long as it is not done with a razor.