Reply To: Music in supermarkets

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Brisker Rov: You will not find any source Assering music during Sefirah or the 3 weeks before the Pri Chadash. The Mishnah Berurah quotes this Pri Chadash. The general Mehalach in Rov Poskim is to treat Sefirah and the 3 weeks the same. Contemporary Chassidish Halachah Seforim make some Chilukim. The reason this is very Sasum in the Poskim is because they are all working under the assumption of OC 560:3. When people started listening to music all year round, Minhagim developed as to how to treat music during Sefirah and the 3 weeks. This point is all Talui on Minhag. There is no “Halachah” about it because, on a simple level, Halachah says all music is Assur all year round.