Reply To: Being makpid on looks

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m in Israel

Everyone agrees that a man must be attracted to his wife. But people often don’t realize what will attract them, and how things may feel different went they are part of an entire person rather than words on a list. I know of a case of a boy who broke up with someone after dating a number of times because he just wasn’t comfortable with some aspects of how she looked, and it did not feel better to him even after they went out a few more times. (I think most people would agree that is legitimate.)

The funny thing is, that the girl he eventually married was in my opinion not as good looking as the first one, and she was even a bit heavy! So no, it wasn’t that he had some unreasonable checklist. Somehow in his eyes the second girl was more attractive to him. Hashem created the world in such a way that beauty is subjective!

I also know of a case where a girl broke off dating with someone because he was too short and it bothered her. The funny thing is this girl was short, as were her father and brothers, and she always thought she would not have a problem with a short husband. Somehow when she actually went out with a short guy she just wasn’t comfortable with it. She did actually marry a tall husband.

That’s why I think being “makpid on looks” on paper is just plain silly. One doesn’t really know how things will “click” in real life. If you are dating and find your date unattractive, then obviously it would be fine to break it off.