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Lilmod Ulelamaid

Randomex – I’m not sure what you mean by “again”.

If you didn’t sleep all night and also hadn’t slept at all during the day on the day before, you are not allowed to say birchas hashachar.

Therefore, I couldn’t learn until I had a way to be yotzei birchas haTorah by saying Ahava Raba in davening.

Are you trying to say that I shouldn’t have needed birchas haTorah at all and t/f would be able to learn w/o it? That is not true. When you are up all night, you are supposed to try to find someone to be yotzi you in birchas haTorah. In my case, that is not practical, so I am yotzei with Ahava Rabba instead (which is simpler for a girl anyhow. For a boy, being yotzi with Ahava Rabba is more complicated halachically).