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Oops Popa, you’re right. I forgot Rochel’s double. Sorry.
And now, for the last and final installment:
Bereishis and Rivky went out 3 times. Rivky’s seminary teacher told her to say no because he didn’t have a kosher phone (in addition to his many non-kosher phones). However, it occurred to Rivky that Lauren would be perfect for Bereishis and she suggested it to Mrs. Norrisberg. And that is how Lauren Steinhardt became a Baalas Teshuva and married Bereishis Ben Avraham.
Lauren B.A. (of course, without the B.A., ch”v) decided to become a Bais Yaakov teacher, and quickly rose in the ranks to become the top substitute teacher in Bais Yaakov. She was really quite an amazing substitute. Everyone would try to guess which teacher was the substitute, and which was real, but they were never sure.
Meanwhile Eliyahu Rainden asked Mrs. Norrisberg to set him up with Rivky Schwartz. They dated and got married last December. Her parents, Shmuel and Chani, were absolutely delighted. Rivky recently had a boy, whom she named Reuven Chaim.
All the doubles and triples ended up marrying each other too. The subjects in the shidduch vaccine trials married working boys, but they were happy.
Everyone in the story had bracha and hatzlacha and nachas from their many children and parnasa and lived to see Moshiach. They thanked Hashem and were very happy.
The End.