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I am going to make an observation about shaking hands from my experience and other’s who’ve I’ve talked to and I an limiting it to that topic. The issue about airplane seating has nothing to do with the OP’s question nor anyone else’s comments.
I suspect that your insistence that “Big Clients” will be insulted is because your interaction is solely over the internet. You do internet sales.
I have been working in an industry which involves significant face to face client interaction, including meeting with corporate officers and corporate boards.
There has never, in my experience, been a negative response to someone who respectfully says that do not shake hands for religious purposes. And I have heard the same from my acquaintances who also work in large corporate environments.
You will note that I said respectfully. And I am not paskening what someone should do. But it is clear that those who avoid shaking hands with the other gender are not just following a big chumra. There are many poskim who hold this is normative halacha and is ossur gomur and a kula is not applicable.
This is not something,to quote your comment of above, “you need to figure this out for yourself”. Would you give that advice for medical issues, just figure it out for yourself?
These are complex halachos of a very serious nature, that are taken seriously by frum people.