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Home Forums Shidduchim Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah? Reply To: Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah?


so, if a young lady is Blessed with ability and love of learning Torah, she should not deny her passion.

If she is really trying to impress her date, this would be much like a guy “putting his best foot forward. As long as they are honest about who they are and who they aspire to become in their growth. This is when I wish I listened to my Grandmother, OBM; there is an expression in yiddish – she would say there’s a lid for every pot! It sounds better in yiddish. I can see how some guys could be intimidated by such a girl, to them I would say she is not your basheret.

As far as missing mincha/maariv — why can the boy put the date on “hold” so to speak and resume after his davening -if the date is going well. This speaks volumes as Avraham Aveinu kinda put Ha Kodesh Baruch Hu on “hold” for the mitzva of hachnasas orchim…

If a young lady has the saichel to be aware of the time and suggests to the young man whether subtley or straight out that it is time for davening, this is one quality I would like for my sons, IY”H!