Reply To: Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah?

Home Forums Shidduchim Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah? Reply To: Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah?


This must be like groudhog day….the same discussion again….

sjsnyc- It is a bit too late to quote other sources than Joseph and it is true that, in general, the early Halachic authorities frowned o mwomen who leanred “torah she ball peh”. That much, i wil ladmit 9to joseph’s delight) but I will not admit that it is an irrevocable issur. The exact loshon is ‘ke-ilo lomdo tiflus’,as he would teach her “tiflus” (it is not clear what tiflus means). There is no outright “Issur” -prohibition. If I have time in the next days, I’ll review Joseph’s sources (again!) and add my two (poor) cents!