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the l’masseh of living on emunah:

Someone who takes upon himself the ‘ol’ of torah is relieved from the ‘ol’ of derech eretz.

1) a person who accepts the ‘ol’ of torah does not have it easy! This is not someone who wakes up late, strolls into yeshiva to learn for half a day. This is referring to someone accepts upon himself a real responsibility in his limud Hatorah.

2) such a person is relieved from the ‘ol’ of derech eretz, and will be given what Hashem thinks is necessary for him to accomplish his tafkid. It does not say he is given parnassah beravach, it does not say he gets a new car every 2 years and annual getaway vacations. It says that he will be relieved from the burden of derech eretz- which i would assume is referring to earning a basic livlihood