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Side note: Maybe Rav Miller and rabbonim who are against “global warming” are being careful not to consider the Earth a broken kli?

If there are no cracks in the kli, we can expect it to continue providing and serving its purpose just fine.

Maybe rabbonim and people who are frum, geneally, cannot consider the world to be affected by our actions on a great scale because that’s like saying that the world is broken and we’d need a revealed miracle to fix it.

—-Just a thought. I was listening to a shiur the other day about praying and worrying. If there is s kli that appears to be working, then we don’t need to worry about it. If it has a crack and/or looks like it will break, then we start worrying and praying. If we’re worrying then things will be alright because we’re praying.

Yet if we don’t see or look for any cracks, then we won’t have to worry in the first place.
