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Yiddishe ‘inyanim’???

Shirayim = an example of Yiddishe inyanim that may be controversial. Since the practice is neither deorisa nor derabonnon, it is up to you to decide as there is nothing harmful either way.

Superstition = goyishe inyanim that crept into our world from the same neighbors who tormented us for centuries. Anyone who believes that stepping over a child retards growth needs to learn very basic human biology – or ask a frum doctor to explain that growth hormone cannot be affected by such an action.

Malignant superstition or misplaced belief = believing that anything can take the place of modern medicine in treating diagnosed illnesses or of work in creating parnosso. When we say tehillim for Rav Elyashiv shlita, we know full well that Hashem will grant refuah shelema through his doctors. If anyone were to recommend disconnecting so much as one machine or discontinuing so much as one medication based on anything other than sound medical advice or a clear examination showing this is the right course of treatment, that person is a murderer. Even in documented stories of nissim, the doctor made the final determination that the disease was no longer present – and many of the stories of nissim are of patients who went to the doctor because they were told to do so by Rebbes/tzaddikim or rabbonim.