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Health, you said

“But with your obsession to putting down our president…”

I will tell you why I oppose Trump (and his vehement supporters) so much

Note: Not you, as you know I am quite fond of you. our conversations have been quite eye opening for me.

I will elaborate with an example from Bret Stephens ( A conservative) who said the following recently at a Daniel PEarl memorial lecture:

“Consider this recent exchange [Trump]

To which the president replies:

We are not a nation of logicians.

… The president is responding to a claim of fact not by denying the fact, but by denying the claim that facts are supposed to have on an argument.

This is my problem with Trump. Differences of opinion are critical to a democracy. Many dictatrorships have “elections” but with one candidate to choose from these are meaningless. While on most points I side with Democrats there are many many issues I side with Republicans. and that is healthy. Changing power every few years is a sign of a healthy democracy. Disagreement is good.

However in order to have a difference of opinion we need to agree on baseline facts.

for example there is a problem of mass shootings in the US. now soem feel more gun restrictions will help some feel arming more citizens will help. fine that is healthy. but if one where to argue that we have a lower mass shooting rate than other countries the discussion cant even begin.

Trump ran (and won!) a campaign based on blatant falshoods. starting with his early claim of Mexico sending rapists and murderers etc… If we cant agree that that isnt true how can we ever solve anything.

(While Hillary was no honest abe, the foundations of here campaign weren’t lies)

Until Trump starts telling the truth it is critical to call him out, not to be numbed by his blatant disregard.

As Stephens says in that same speech