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“i can barely read it all”

Dont its pretty silly,

“it is just not something obama supporters/trump oposers would understand/agree to/admit.”

Not quite, I explained why Obama avoided the term, and then Health changed his mind and said the term wasnt an issue, of course he then changed back again.

“to be true regarding obama and hilary supporters as well.”

Oh one hundered percent correct! But I find it more true with Trump supporters. Trump ran a campaign built on falsehoods. while Hilary is without question a liar, the foundations of her political career wasnt conspiracy theroires about where people were born or lies regarding Mexican rapists abd getting MExico to pay for a wall that will never get built.

Or as Gingrich said regarding the GOP convention when challenged that crime was down he replied ” Though the statistics may show that It doesn’t feel that way” (Im paraphrasing) I found this astounding that he openly admitted facts arent as important. Of course we have only seen more of this leading to “alternative facts”