Reply To: Hilarious School Pranks

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Joe katz

Dr. Pepper, you are just plain crazy, sorry to be so blunt. 🙂

I am loving your story’s.

Here is one of mine.

This is one that a teacher, some of my friends, and I did on the grade below us.

There was this big black gentleman who taught the grade below us and he made them work,

in our yeshiva we Daven Mincha and then we have the secular study’s. On April First right before Mincha he told us to start a rumor that he had thrown a shtender in the principal’s office,resulting in him being fired. Throughout mincha the younger grade was buzzing. (it’s a good thing he wasn’t Jewish,due to the “loshon Hara”.) Either way when mincha was over the kids went to their class, and there sitting at the desk was a substitute. I still regret I didn’t have a camera to capture the smiles on their faces. About ten minutes into the period the real teacher burst into the room and screamed, “Happy April Fools Day.”

It was awesome!

A few kids were near crying others eyes were so wide I thought they would pop out, and one kid even said,”Does this mean your still our teacher.”
