Reply To: Shidduchim for those with a past

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yeshivastudent, that is very offensive to many boys and girls. Because I am dating guys who are your type and they are not setting with some random modern girl. I am a very tznius, learned girl and getting a very good degree and will iyh make for a very good wive. The guys too had to get degrees and also learn in yeshiva like you. When I iyh get married to a guy like that who is learning and working like how you jut said they are not settling for some random modern girl. Most of the time my skirt is 4 inches below my knees and maybe sometimes on days I guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed there right above my knees. But the majority of the time it is 4 inches below my knees. I want to raise my kids to want to learn in kollel and marry kollel guys. I want my house to be full of Torah all the time. I may right now sometimes sound or look modern but in real life I really am very yeshivish and do always majority of the time very tznius and always learning and support Torah very much.