Reply To: What if I don't want to buy back the chometz from the goy?

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach What if I don't want to buy back the chometz from the goy? Reply To: What if I don't want to buy back the chometz from the goy?



for themost part the blios arent sold as they arent worth a shava perutah. (Where Ive sold my chometz theyve given as a matona)

Youre comment though raises the Misplaced concern Joseph has.

“Have fun getting this all together to give to him.”
Im not sure what you eman by that. when the Goy is offered to (As joseph said, and is in fact done) “he can keep the chometz this year and pay me the fair market value.”
If the Goy accepts Im certain (or at least hope) youd be happy to gathter up your chometz and give it to him in echange for the fair market value.