Reply To: What if I don't want to buy back the chometz from the goy?

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach What if I don't want to buy back the chometz from the goy? Reply To: What if I don't want to buy back the chometz from the goy?


Everything else aside… Isn’t it a blessing of its own that Joseph is even in a position to claim that he can manage perfectly fine without getting the chometz back after Pesach?

In other words, whereas some Jews in certain areas may need and want their chometz back, because finding kosher foods is difficult, Joseph would be able to take the money and go buy new food without further ado.

So that is pretty cool, in my humble opinion, that Joseph is living in a kosher foods abundant community. From what I have read and heard about some out of town places, people have to drive far out just to find a kosher aisle somewhere, and sometimes rely on buying food online.

So yay.

Okay now back to your regular programming 🙂