Reply To: Don’t build more galuyot.

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Avi K

Winnie, you need a course in reading comprehension. I wrote that there are individuals who are exceptions. However, the default position is that a Jew should live in EY. Some have exemptions. Similarly, some must eat on Yom Kippur but the rule is not to. The point is the hashkafa behind calling on people to come a build a new community in galut.

Yekke, kiddusa rishona refers to the period from Yehoshua until the churban Bayit Rishon. Everybody agrees that that ended but the kiddusha of Ezra and Nechemiah continued. Rav Dov Begun recently wrote in the name of Rav Tzvi Yehuda (Kook) that when the majority of the Jewish people are here there will be a jump in kedusha with the full revelation of Am Yisrael’s spiritual side. So those who want to make a difference should come here unless they have a heter not to. However, the heter must be re-examined periodically. The Maharal points out that there is a special inner menaing to the number six. It represents all of the directions (north, south, east, weest, up down). It is the only number that equals the sum of its factors not including itself as well as the product of its factors not including itself (1+2+3=1*2*3=6). Six hundred thousand men left Egypt, six million were murdered in the Holocaust (6*[10^6]) and there were 600,000 Jews here when the state was established. Now there are 6 million Jews here so we can expect big things iy”H.