Reply To: Don’t build more galuyot.

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Avi K

Geordie, “gallinu mei’artzeinu” means that we were exiled from our land. You are correct that the geula is not yet complete but that does not mean that there is no geula at all.

DY, he wrote that I denied that there are heterim for individual situations.

CTL, fraud and bribery are serious aveirot on both the Halacha (the Aruch HaShulchan says that the prohibition to bribe a judge includes gentiles and any official who must make a decision). I think that the dafkaniks (it was very easy to get a deferment until age 26 at which point one was free) who evaded the draft illegally should have done what your grandfather (and one of my great-grandfathers on my father’s side, who was drafted into the Russo-Japanese War despite being over thirty with a wife and kids) did and leave permanently. My grandfather on my mother’s side, on the other hand, volunteered during WW1 and received his citizenship as a reward.
As for your lack of desire to live in EY, you are guilty of the sin of the spies. Do you prefer the political infighting in the US? At least here it is our infighting.Besides, when Mashiach comes there will be no more need for lawyers so maybe you should daven that he does not come.

Joseph, Rambam says (Hilchot Melachim 5:12) that one should prefer living in Ramallah to living in Boro Park. As for the person making $200K, do you have any idea what tuition is in the US? I personally know someone with a hi tech profession who had ot send his kids to public school. Now baruch Hashem he lives in Israel.