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Yekke, you had written that you deny that Eretz Yisrael today has any semblance of Yerushalayim habenuyah. That is very different from stating that it is a shadow of what it will be.4
I think that is just semantics. Regardless, what I meant to say was that the Yerushalayim we have today pales in comparison to Yerushalayim Habenuyah in every way possible.
but if I understood what you wrote above, it sounds like everyone holds that Yerushalayim has some measure of Kedusha today.
Although it’s probably true, I didn’t write that above. Earlier, I brought the Machlokes Rishonim whether Kedushas Eretz Yisroel continues even today. The Rambam holds it does, the Ra’avad holds it doesn’t (“סוד ה’ ליראיו”), and Tos’ differentiates between Kiddushas HaMikdash and Kedushas Ha’aretz, that Yerushalayim is bottel but the Mikdash isn’t.
This Kedusha is relevant to Terumos, Maaseros, Achilas Kodshim, Kedushas Har Habayis (practically nogea to the prohibition to ascend the Temple Mount whilst impure), and other things. It is a further discussion whether the mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel is connected to the Kedushas Haaretz.
I don’t have enough clarity or knowledge to give a confident conclusion, but I’m positive that even those who hold that Kedushas Haaretz is bottel agree that there is somewhat a Kedusha which other lands don’t have.
The link I posted discussed השראת השכינה by the Kosel, whether this applies during Golus or not.