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Lilmod Ulelamaid

Maaseh #2: At a singles’ Oneg Shabbos one Friday night:

I noticed that a certain guy’s conversations all revolved around movies and restaurants. I wouldn’t be likely to go out with someone who watches movies in the first place, but I might not rule it out, depending on various factors. For example, if it’s something he does on occasion because he needs an outlet as an older single boy. But if it’s so much a part of his life that it’s something that his conversations revolve around, and if he thinks it’s appropriate conversation for Shabbos, he is not for me. And the same with restaurants.

And I hear your point, TrueBT, about depending whom you are talking to. But that did not seem to be what was going on here. He seemed to be choosing to talk about these things because they were important to him. And it wasn’t a kiruv Shabbaton.

Also, personally, whomever I am talking to, I can usually manage to find Torahdik or at least important things to talk about that are suitable for that person’s wavelength.