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“Where did Joseph say that we daven dmfor it?”

Here: “If you want to die al Kiddush Hashem you should daven that when your time comes that that should happen.”

He did equate the two. My argument is against what he said.

“ubiq, You need a Rashi on every Joseph. (Most other folks understand Joseph k’peshuto.)
DaasYochid is my Rashi.
Then I have kasha on Rashi since he says “Where did Joseph say that we daven dmfor it?
Can Rashi not be aware of a befeirsh Joseph
Yet Joseph says

“You can be accepting and happy about a situation at the same time that you are davening to get out of it.”
Pshetlech aside, real people dont work that way. Wanting something and trying to avoid is a contradiction.
Perhaps that is where we disagree.