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Lilmod Ulelamaid

29 – That is a very good point. Thank you! And thank you for caring enough about the issue to respond.
As I was writing my post, I realized (and was even hoping) that someone would make a similar point that basically means the same thing (although I hadn’t thought of it in those precise terms).

That is the fact that even if I knew LB in person, of course one nevers 100% for sure that his response is the correct response. This is the case whenever a person chooses to speak or not speak, to act or not to act. And yet we have an obligation to speak or to act many times a day, without ever knowing 100% what the correct course of action is.

With the knowledge that one has, he has to weigh both sides (what the likely consequences are for acting/speaking vs. the likely consequences for not doing so), and decide which way the potential damage is greatest and act accordingly.

In this case, I felt the potential danger in not adding those words was both the more likely and the greater danger.