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Thanks all for your comments. To respond, no it is not cancer. This is for the boy that was found unconscious in Uman recently (check the YWN articles about it). Although they revived him, non-the-less he is still in a coma and in critical shape. The family brought him to Israel (Hadassah Ein Kerem) to receive better medical attention. However, the costs are extensive and the family does not have the means to cover such exorbitant sums. We’ve posted a webpage on one of the fundraising sites as someone here advised, but those sites are worthless without high traffic. If people don’t know they can’t give. We’ve been trying options to move traffic, but the results haven’t been very promising. Although those of us trying to help the family are of humble means ourselves, we’re willing to fork out for them if there is promising results from means invested. However, so far the pay out has not shown good returns. None of us involve have any financial gain in this what so ever. This family is very dear to us and our only concern is to help them in any way we can. Being that we are of limited funds we have to invest wisely so as not to hit dead ends and also so we don’t run out of money before we’ve met their goal. That is why I’m turning to you. Maybe someone you know went through this already and can advise us what our best options are. Brachas to all of you for any help you can give even if it’s only the ability to daven for him.
Please daven for: Chaim Simcha Meir ben Rus