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No one drafting Yeshiva Bochrim. Since the establishment of the state, all Yehsiva boys need to do is go to the draft center and get their deferment. Everyone does it. EVERYONE. Satmar included.

This is the Peleg yerushalmi and has NOTHING to do with true bnei torah. These are the animals who have robbed hundreds of thousands of Jews of their precious time by shutting down highways for no reason.

No Bochur that follows the rule gets drafted.

EVERYONE does this: Satmar, Vishnitz, Belz, Litvish, Chassidish, Sefardim – EVERYONE.

These are a few reshoyim who decided to fight the Gadol hadol, Rav Shteinman Shlita and convinced Rav Shmuel Auerbach that this is what needs to be done. Satmar (the Zalys) gleefully jumped on board with the peleg as they have vile sinah towards Rav Shteinman.

This is a despicable disgusting slap in the face to the Gadol Hador – being led by a few gangsters in yerushalayim.

If anyone knows the 3 “litvish roshei yeshiva” in america who are behind this….

One is a mesarev l’din to Rav Moshe Feinstein (it’s not lashon hara according to the Shulchan Aruch to say his name, but I wont).

One is a person who needed a heter meah rabbonim to get married.

And one (shocker) also needed a heter meah rabbonim to get married….

And the second two roshei yeshiva have hatred over their divorces towards the Gedolim in Bnei Brak.

This has nothign to do with a draft.

Satmar are evil people who are having a blast right now that they got a few litvish yeshiva on board with their shita.

This will soon backfire like an atomic bomb in their faces.

What a chillul hashem of epic proportions.