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No he is inconsistent. Because he like Trump.
Words have to have meaning if I say I am fish it isnt “judgmental” of you to point out that I dont live in water. If a group claims to be orthodox” it isnt judgmental to point out they dotn adhere to orthodox tennets. ditto for an individual who doesnt follow kashrus, Shabbos (if only it was just being driven in a car or plane, Id love to hear how the release of tapes that made his FIL look bad on a Friday are docheh shabbos, maybe I need a new Rav) a minimal standard of tznius. Now dont confuse thsi with judging, I dont know what I would do in such a situation, and it is possible I would fail the difficult nissayon they are in.
The author write “If the couple would suddenly announce that they are no longer “Orthodox” because they find too many Orthodox Jews narrow-minded, provincial, intolerant and judgmental, I, for one, would not blame them”
This is nonsense. IF they announced they were no longer Orthodox I would wonder when were they orthodox?
“Rather than be condescending, vindictive and sanctimonious, we should be supportive, understanding and tolerant.”
I agree we should be supportive and understanding. But that doesnt mean we have to redife what it means to be Orthodox. The Kushners may be absolutely wonderful people they may be tzadikim gemurim doing much work for the klal, but Orthodox they arent. Much Like I may be a wonderful person, but I am not a fish