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” frum yidden shouldn’t advocate for all of us having to spend thousands more per year just to satisfy a multiple century old document written by goyim (the constitution).”
On this Independence Day your comment is particularly offensive, and smacks of bigotry.
If you don’t choose to uphold the Constitution, the door is open and you are free to leave the USA, this is not Czarist Russia and you don’t need to bribe your way across the border in the dead of night.
Any individual is free NOT to avail themselves of publicly supplied institutions, but not free to avoid the cost of maintaining them.
I don’t use any of the public swimming pools in my town, I’m not entitled to a tax break for using my own. I do use the public libraries and parks. The public health nurse at the town senior center has been very helpful with my MIL.
Some states have specific school taxes. When I owned a cabin in the Catskills, I got a property tax bill from the town and a separate school tax bill from the county. All of the cabins in the development were strictly for summer use. No one lived there in the winter no water, heat, paved/plowed roads…but we paid school tax. Here in CT, the cost of your town school system is included in your town property tax bill. Society as a whole depends on a well educated populace and we have a duty to fund the schools.
I don’t know your age and whether you ever attended a public school. I went to day school, but in my high school years, I attended public high school from 7 AM until noon and Yeshiva High School from 12:30PM until 6 PM. There were state required courses that I got in Public High School not offered in the Yeshiva High School. This included 4 hours of Physical Education per week including swimming instruction, higher levels of math and science, music and art, shop (woodworking, plumbing, electrical) which has been invaluable as a homeowner,
You as a citizen have a vote in determining education expenditures, You are not prohibited from getting involved in politics and having a say in setting tax rates and policies. If you choose to isolate yourself from the greater community to live in, then you are bound by the rules set by the majority without a chance to affect change,