Reply To: The Post Kollel Financial Crisis

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Being a Kollel man should not have anything to do with learning ability. Someone who is a poor learner but has a great desire to learn Torah full time has just as much right to be a Kollel man as the best learner in Brisk. There’s absolutely no halachic reasoning, logic or source to say that the best learner has more reason to be a Kollel man than someone who cannot learn so well but nevertheless greatly desires to learn Torah all day.

And today with so much assimilation that the frum are a tiny minority of Jews, there are so few Jews dedicated to full time Limud HaTorah. Perhaps about 1 in 1,000 Jews are in Kollel. Only 1 in 1,000 Jews in Kollel, Rabbosai! Do you hear that dismal number?! We need to raise by manifold the number of Kollel yungerleit. Over the next four to five years we must aim to at least triple the number of Kollel men.