Reply To: Should we stop bochurim from chilling and drinking beer at a bbqs.🍻🍖

Home Forums Shidduchim Should we stop bochurim from chilling and drinking beer at a bbqs.🍻🍖 Reply To: Should we stop bochurim from chilling and drinking beer at a bbqs.🍻🍖


AS the father of 5 boys and three wonderful sons i law, B’H, I can tell you there is NOTHING WRONG with your son having A cold beer. when he has SIX, then its an issue. Especially if he is at home, or with his parents.
There is nothing wrong with it, as long as its in moderation. Excessive drinking is dangerous, whether he is married or not!
We can infer from your letter, that once he’s married, he can get plastered!
Wishing your son finds the right zivug, beer or not.