Reply To: do you support repeal & replace obamacare? πŸš«πŸ”€πŸ€΅πŸΏπŸ’‰β“

Home Forums Politics do you support repeal & replace obamacare? πŸš«πŸ”€πŸ€΅πŸΏπŸ’‰β“ Reply To: do you support repeal & replace obamacare? πŸš«πŸ”€πŸ€΅πŸΏπŸ’‰β“


Folks, why don’t we make this very simple. Repeal the ACA and reinstate the laws and healthcare system that were in effect until the ACA came into law.

Once they give benefits (entitlements, if you prefer), it’s political suicide to rescind them.